We want to See the Kingdom of God in Nashville!
Unite Church is a city church. We pray everyday that the Kingdom of God will breakthrough in Nashville. In order for that to happen we have to leave our walls. Here are a couple of ways we reach out into the city...
The Joshua Movement meets every week on Tuesday nights outside of War Memorial Auditorium. On these nights we provide a meal for many of our unhoused brothers and sisters in the city. But more than a meal, we strive to see people healed, delivered, and dedicate their lives to Jesus. This ministry feeds thousands every month and we strive to see just as many miracles.
City Supper
In addition to the Joshua Movement. We meet the last Saturday of every month at East Park in East Nashville at 3 PM to provide a meal and community for the unhoused in that area. This is a time of fellowship and community around a meal. We pray for needs and provide many resources to those in need.
Blessing Box
Outside of our building we have a community Blessing Box for Cleveland Park. We fill this box with canned goods and non-perishable food for anyone in the community who needs it. There is also forms where people in the neighborhood can come by and give us prayer requests.
This box is constantly in use and you can help us! just bring goods and put them in the box any time, day or night. we have a hard time keeping this box stocked on our own so we need your help!
Give to our Outreach Ministries
We dedicate a lot of our giving to Outreach because we believe it's the heart of the Kingdom, but if you'd like to give directly to our outreach ministries, click the button below: